#set text( font: "Noto Serif", size: 11pt, ) #set page( flipped: true, paper: "a4", ) #set heading(numbering: "1.1.1") = Typst == Description Downloaded 4 weeks of WHOIS data from CoCCA and ran it through the following script on 2023-03-23: === Script #include "incl.typ" == Results #let results = csv("w.csv") #align(center)[ #table( columns: 2, fill: (_, row) => if row == 0 { rgb( 255, 231, 230 ) } else if calc.odd(row) { rgb( 228,234,250 ) } else { white }, align: (col, row) => if row == 0 { center } else if col == 1 { right } else { left }, ..results.flatten(), ) ]